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At the forefront of technology in laser medicine, the Centre for Cosmetic Medicine offers the following treatments:


This is not a laser as such, but pulsed white light (hence polychromatic), which is transmitted through filters that only allow the required wavelength to pass through.

In the main, we use 3 wavelengths:

  • 650 nm: used mainly for permanent depilation, sometimes for pigmentation marks on dark skins and as a supplement for certain lasers in removing tattoos.
  • 540 nm: this is the best system for treating rosacea, angiomas, varicose veins, pigmentation marks, solar lentigines and naevi (moles), red stretch marks, red scars; it will also be used for photo rejuvenation for dilated pores and coloured rings.
    NB: freckles are not a good indication.  The pulsed light treatment is a little unpleasant, but does not require anaesthetic cream.
  • 320 nm: we have one of the few UVB lasers in Belgium. This device is able to treat white depigmentation marks and some vitiligo lesions. It is also very effective for cutaneous psoriasis (even geographic tongue!). The flashes are totally painless in UVB.


We use this mainly for laser tattoo removal; the laser beam is able to shatter the pigment from the tattoo without burning the skin.

Important: some inks are from non-controlled sources and may react abnormally during laser treatment: this means there is a risk of permanent marking.


Very effective and fast for removing hair permanently from large areas. Complementary in tattoo removal.


This is an ablative and hence a resurfacing laser. It is both gentle and effective, depending on the number of passes.

We use it in pure erbium mode (small spot 4 mm in diameter) on acne scars, raised lesions (nevus, scars) and some lines.

For a gentler treatment with a much shorter recovery time, we use the Pixel: this is an erbium laser whose head emits 7x7 or 9x9 fine beams through a filter on to a small square 8x8 mm.

This produces multiple small holes in the skin that are very precise in diameter and depth. The skin will then regenerate from the edge and bottom of the holes in 4 to 5 days. The treatment is therefore almost painless and the tiny points are only visible for 4 to 5 days.


These are not lasers because we are outside the light spectrum.

We use the 3 Deep and the Accent, two devices that have proved their worth.

  • The ACCENT is extraordinary for lifting the oval of the face and reducing the jowls.
  • The 3 DEEP is probably the only device that is really effective on cellulite
  • Pixelated radiofrequency, ablative, is used for lines, scars, facial rejuvenation.


Do not hesitate to contact our Centre on +32 (0)65 630 630 for more information about lasers.

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