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PeelingsThere are various types of peel of varying strengths and depths to adjust to the different types of skin and problems to be treated.



Carried out frequently by beauticians and some doctors, these procedures are minor with few unpleasant effects. They give the skin a glow and ‘clean’ the skin well by promoting the desquamation of the superficial layers of the epidermis. They are not very effective on wrinkles and scars, but are sometimes useful for pigmentation marks.


MEDIUM PEELS, mainly TCA (trichloroacetic acid):

Concentrations vary between 15 and 50%. They can be used for shallow lesions and are without risk. These are medical peels only.

We use concentrations of 18 to 30% (a single peel of 18%, properly done, gives more results than 4 times one of 15%, and the peel is only done once).

The full face, including around the eyes and neck, will be treated in one stage.

The result on lines, the brightness of the skin, dilated pores, acne or varicose vein scars, pigmentation marks, stretch marks, etc. is exceptional.

Thus far, we have not observed any lasting secondary effects after these types of peel. On the other hand, the patient needs to be able to endure the application of acid to the face for one to two minutes, which burns severely. But the application of a treatment cream immediately afterwards soothes 100%.

There is no pain to fear afterwards (it is easier to manage 2 unpleasant minutes in the presence of a doctor than to be sore at home hours afterwards).

You also need to accept that the skin will be very dry for a few days and then another 4 days during which the skin ‘peels’ (comparable to your shoulder peeling after sunburn). In all, a week when you won’t want to go out, even though there is no scabbing and you are not disfigures (plan to take a week off work).


  • Do not pick off the flakes of peeling skin, otherwise there may be small pink marks left on the face (no risk, but takes longer to look good again!). Allow the skin to peel gently.
  • Exposure to the sun is contraindicated for matt skins or skin that has a tendency towards pigmentation marks.

These peels can also be used effectively to improve scars and stretch marks with a special protocol and also on body skin that may be a little rumpled (belly, arms, cleavage, etc.).

After exactly 7 days, the skin becomes magnificent, with an even more beautiful glow after 15 days.



These peels are virtually surgical, with significant effects (major swelling of the face, scabs, etc.). It looks far worse than it is and is without risk, although with results that are up to or beyond expectations.

We usually avoid phenol peels, which have too serious effects, may horrify those around you and can pose a risk for the skin if the patient does not abide by the medical recommendations given to the letter.

A small gallery of photos gives you an idea of the possible results before and after treatment:




















Peelings Peelings Peelings

Do not hesitate to contact our Centre on +32 (0)65 630 630 for more information about peels.

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